Thursday, 28 October 2010


more from my mythical creatures project sketchbook that I just found on my laptop

More sketchbook


Just more bits from sketchbooks.

Popshot zine

Popshot is a zine that combines illustrations and poems. I discovered it while i was at university and I have tried to keep up with buying it although its quite hard to find places that sell it. luckily the waterstones at sheffield hallam uni had it sometimes so i could buy it and also it is possible to order it online. i love that anyone can send in work to be picked to be in the zine  and then they send out poems that people have also sent in to the illustrators and they marry the poem with an illustration. I also like how each issue runs alone a theme...
"Popshot is a poetry and illustration magazine gently intent on hoodwinking poetry back from the clammy hands of school anthologies and funeral readings. It is not a namedrop session or a further attempt to immortalise the great poets of days gone by. We are here to showcase the poetry of today and tomorrow with the whimsical arms of illustration wrapped tightly round it. We are of the thought that the future of poetry is even more exciting than the past.
Each issue contains a collection of poems written to a theme. These selected poems are individually sent out to a collection of illustrators who then illustrate the poems according to their interpretation of the piece. These illustrations are then bound together with the poems and printed onto sheets of tree pulp for your enjoyment."

AOI: "As I am handed the third issue of Popshot magazine I am delighted that a publication has finally been produced that combines together two of the things that many artists are so passionate about. For we are not just doodling machines; we are much more. We have feelings too, damn it. This is perfect for all you sensitive kids out there, yearning for an outlet for all those gushing feelings and emotions that yearn to be set free upon the unfortunate world around us."

Natural history

These are some posters that i designed for a fake exhibition at the natural history museum about mythical creatures. i needed to put my illustrations into a context and im happy with the way that they have turned out. layout and typography is something ive had to work on so im happy with how these came together in the end.

there was another one but it wont upload at this moment in time... to be continued!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Audrey & Edith lookbook.

This is something that my friend is working on at the moment and that I have become involved with. these are some collages that I put together for her to show the identity of a company she is setting up which is going to be vintage clothes and club nights. I decided to try to keep the vintage feel but to also put a bit of a modern twist on it to keep it up to date with vintage fashion at the moment.

Mythical creatures

This project was my final major project at university. I decided to use the theme of mythical creatures. This seems to be a re-occuring theme for my illustrations and one that I really enjoy working with. I took inspiration for this project from the story of the cottingley fairies. The story of two little girls creating an illusion of fairies at the bottom of their garden using drawings they had done by adapting a story book that they had and taking photos of them using long exposure. I love the idea that these two girls managed to fool so many people into thinking that the fairies were real just by using essentially puppets and clever photography.
I started my project by creating my mythical creatures and I decided to do a cross between insects and birds. these are two things that are commonly found in any garden and also that i enjoy drawing.

These are my original drawings. I wanted to keep my animals as unexplained as possible to keep the viewer guessing what they were. to create a 'real' feel to my animals i decided that having the images as they are here wouldn't be in keeping with my theme so i took inspiration from indonesian shadow puppets and decided that doing something similar to this would be the best way to display my animals. so i made my drawings into puppets and took them into the photography studio where i set up a light box and created shadows using the puppets of my drawings and these formed my final images.

these are the finished illustrations which I was very happy with. i think the air of mystery is maintained and thats exactly what i wanted to do.. keep people guessing!

Sophie Kern

Sophie Kern is someone that ive admired the whole time I've been at university. I really like the handmade feel to her pieces and the use of colour. I enjoy her subject matter and the composition of her collage. 

sketchbook bits and bobs..

These are just some snippits from my sketchbooks throughout college and university. None of the images posted are finished illustrations but working drawings. I think its important to show process as well as a finished article to show how things have changed and developed.

Greek gods.

So this is a project from university. Its one of the projects that I enjoyed more and I was happy with the outcome. The brief was to create 10 books along a theme and I chose to do mine along the theme of greek gods. Its kind of a dictionary, I chose a selection of different gods and goddesses and did an illustration for each as well as a brief description of each god/goddesses story.

sort it ooout

So basically I've decided I need to get it together and start blogging. I'm going to keep posting new work/development work as long as any Illustration/Graphic design/Photography anything at all really that inspires me!! I hope you enjoy.